A small update
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here, so I thought I’d just share a short update. I find myself struggling to find the time to blog, while going to work, the gym, programming and so on. On top of that the sun is showing up, and the weather is to good not to be outside.
My first app in the app store (“Parker Gratis“) has now been released a little over a month! I decided not to advertise to much about it, seeing as I had an update that I wanted to get in before the masses started to download it. When the update was approved I published a link to the app on Facebook, and the number of downloads doubled within a day! So far there have been a few entries of parking locations, but I see that the interest increases. I also got a question on when the Android version comes out, so that is my current working project. Who knew the Android emulator could cause so much trouble? More on that later.
I am also working on a tutorial on how to take advantage of the built in MapKit for iOS in Xamarin. Most of the tutorial code is done, but it’s still quite a bit of writing left to do. Working my way through the topics, I see that I may benefit of splitting the tutorial into two parts. Hopefully I will finish it soon, so others can benefit from my experience!
While working away I am trying to organize my days, so that I can maximize the usage of the hours we have available, and in that case, does anyone have any advice?